Animation Work

Character Design: Nursemaid "Hana F Morguy"


With this I added more onto her design. I took inspiration from traditional nursemaids throughout history and some that was used in animation, like the movie 'Brave' and the netflix series 'Disenchantment'

The character of the nursemaid, is the mother figure of the story. She's soft and kind hearted so I made her base design a group of circles.

 I chose soft peach and orange colours for her colour scheme. Soft colours made her feel more motherly and relaxed.
I plan for this character, Hana and the tutor character, who I will be naming Jamerson, to be at a constant feud in how to teach and raise the young prince. I'd like to have it so Hana wins almost every argument they have. Something about having the smaller and softer character win against the sharp and serious character is funny to me and will play into the dynamic of their characters.